Mad Heidi Filmset
October 2021
A whole 22 days of shooting are already done and there is still a whole week to go. An instructive and very exciting time for me as boom operator on set with production sound mixer Nicolas Brunner.
Report on SRF: Link
One week to go till the shooting of the first swissplotation film starts
For all of you who want to invest in this :this way !
Check out the Teaser.
HALUNKE - Seaside Festival (3.9.2021)
For me, personally this was the first time working on a big P.A. since 18 months. It did so good.
Saitenstich - filmshooting 2020
Despite the restrictive measures due to the Corona pandemic, the filming for "Saitenstich" could take place.
The historic short film is directed by Raphaela Wagner and shootings take place in Heiden , in Toggenburg and the grand finale is an outdoor shooting in the historic old town of St. Gallen.
One week on the film set - I am very happy to be part of it, even if it will be exhausting for me as I am a one-man sound department.
Many thanks to Elda Guidinetti of Ventura Film for the production and every one else for helping to make this possible !
Photos by Tobias Sutter
Wisycom Wireless Kit 30.4.2020
The new main reciever in my bag is the MCR42 of Wisycom - The high-end of the wireless systems ! Versatile because of its wide-band tuner from 470 MHz up to 700 MHz. Transmitters with analog limiters and top noch preamps.
Reciever: MCR42S
Transmitter 1: MTP40S
Transmitter 2:MTP41S
Corona-Lockdown - 11.4.2020
The Corona lockdown is hitting me hard. Many cancelled concerts, events and recording days.
In this situation where there are practically no paid jobs left, I use my infrastructure, my know-how and my time to help some no-budged projects with audio postproduction. This in turn gives me the opportunity to optimize my surround 5.1 setup and workflow with the recently bought Euphonix controller.
South of Hope Street -14.9.2019
Im on Jane Spencers "South Of Hope Street" filmset for the wohole week. Dominik di Rosa is the recording mixer , I'm doing the Boom-Operator. On camera we haveFrank Glencairn as DOP.
ENERGY Shortfilm - 10. - 16- June 2019
At the filmset of "Energy" - a shortfilm by Nicole Beutler - my Stingray-Soundbag is well utilized: 3 Lavs (Sennheiser G4 ew300) , 1 camera feed (ew100) und IFB für director.
As boom-mikrofon for interiors I use a Sennheiser MKH 50 .
Recording Session with Vater Morgana (24.2.2019)
Together with this funky band we recorded 8 songs in only two days. Lot of work but we had a good time in Schwarzenburg.
Now im editing (not too mutch!) and mixing. Hopefully soon you'll be able to get the new CD from their website.
Ankebock - Spoken word in "Berndeutsch" 21.11.2018
New book and CD. Written and read by Roland Binz. Music by Thomas Aeschbacher.
All audio recorded and produced by Christian Peruzzetto - Studio2.
Order here:
Bi-lingual Radioplay 18.5.2018
Working with students from La Ferriere and from Lyss on a bi-lingual radioplay. The project is leaded by Brigitta Weber , and organised by the radio school "Klipp+Klang" organisiert.